Spring 2014

On the cover: Kimhia Toussaint

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On the cover Kimhia Toussaint. Cover photo. Fiona Compton. Cover design. Amelia J

With a face structure and physique to make you “Ooo” with curiosity at first glance, 20 year old Kimhia Toussaint is definitely set to turn heads, making one do a double, if not triple take. This island beauty, aspiring model and passionate naturist, remains profusely proud to be from the sublime and picturesque home of the twin peaks and Helen of the West: St Lucia…..

Fall 2013 issue

On the cover: Angelique Sabrina

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On the cover: Angelique Sabrina. Cover photo: Barry Williams. Cover design: Amelia J.

Summer 2013 issue

Tara Edward Miss St. Lucia 2012 (cover model summer 2013)

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Cover photo: Barry Williams. Cover design: Amelia J.
Assistants: Dalton Maxwell & Delia Louis. Make-up: Tara Edward. Swimsuit: Kooey Swimwear, Australia.

On her Miss Universe experience…

“It was a big change for me, I could say. Coming from a very small island and having that opportunity to represent the country on such a level, in such a high pageant. It was such an honour for me, although I had some difficulty due to the weather. I’m from the islands and I’m used to the sun. I think that was the only problem I had. I am very used to being on my own, I’m that kind of person. I’m very reserved and I can handle things on my own.”

Spring 2013 issue

Celeste Marshall Miss Bahamas Universe 2012 (cover model Spring 2013)

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Cover photo: Barry Williams. Design: Amelia J. Make-up-Italia
Williams. Hair: Devon Hanna. Dress: Phylicia Ellis

“Most beauty queens are perceived to be perfect in the public’s eye, not approachable or pretenders. Myself, I let people know, understand and see that I am a real person with real feelings; I’ve allowed people to see that I am understandable and I can relate to a real situation.”

January 2013

On the cover Analicia Thompson

On her Miss Bahamas Double Crown experience..

“Participating in the pageant to me was like enlisting in the military, because it broke me down on all fronts: physically, mentally and emotionally; and then re-built me into a Pageant Superwoman of some sorts. My life was no longer my own; I lived, slept, ate and thought about the pageant all the time. It was a unique experience that is almost impossible to describe because simultaneously I had a roller coaster of emotions going through me all at once: fear, excitement, anxiety, disappointment, relief. Overall though, I can definitely say that it was worth the time and effort because it made me a stronger individual.”

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Cover photo: Barry Williams. Cover design: Amelia J. Make-up: Italia Williams. Hair: Scherlin Major. Black coat: Zara. Belt: H&M. Trousers: Theodore Elyett. Jewelry: Island Jewels & Souvenirs.